123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # set -ex
- # 脚本里需要耗cpu 内存的操作;均使用了bsub ;投递本流程 推荐 -n 2 -M 4G
- script_path=$(dirname `realpath $0`)
- trap "kill 0;exit 1" 2
- # 默认变量
- outdir="."
- # 默认Annotation 只包含 protein_coding 基因
- allgene=0
- # 路径
- database_dir=/Business/psn_company/Work/Transcriptome/Datum/Public/Database/genome_prepare
- # 投递最大cpu和内存参数
- cpu=6
- memory=50G
- # 解析命令行参数
- # getopt
- usage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 [-h|--help] [-i|--indir <indir>] [-o|--outdir <outdir>] [-c|--config <config>] [-n|--cpu <cpu>] [-M|--memory <memory>] [-v|--version] [-a|--allgene]"
- echo "Options:"
- echo " -h, --help Show this help message and exit."
- echo " -i, --indir Input directory containing the files that in config file"
- echo " -o, --outdir Output directory"
- echo " -c, --config Config file for the pipeline."
- echo " -n, --cpu Number of CPUs in bsub;default: 6"
- echo " -M, --memory Memory limit in bsub;default: 50G"
- echo " -v, --version Show the version of the pipeline and exit."
- echo " -a, --allgene Include all genes, not just protein-coding genes."
- exit 1
- }
- ARGS=`getopt -a -o hi:o:c:n:M:va -l help,indir:,outdir:,config:,cpu:,memory:,version,allgene -n $0 -- "$@"`
- [ $? != 0 ] && usage
- eval set -- "${ARGS}"
- while true
- do
- case "$1" in
- -h|--help)
- usage
- shift
- ;;
- -i|--indir)
- indir=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- -o|--outdir)
- outdir=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- -c|--config)
- config_file=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- -n|--cpu)
- cpu=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- -M|--memory)
- memory=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- -v|--version)
- echo "genome prepare version 1.0"
- echo "Author: Hu Dabang"
- echo "Email: hudb@personalbio.cn"
- echo "run $0 -h for help"
- exit 1
- ;;
- -a|--allgene)
- allgene=1
- shift
- ;;
- --)
- shift
- break
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ ! -d "$indir" ] || [ ! -s "$config_file" ]
- then
- echo "ERROR: The input directory or config file does not exist."
- usage
- fi
- indir=`realpath $indir`
- config_file=`realpath $config_file`
- source $config_file
- # check file
- for f in `grep -P "_file=|fasta=|gtf=|table=" $config_file|sed '/=none$/d'|cut -f1 -d "="`
- do
- [ ! -s "$indir/${!f}" ] && echo "ERROR: The input file $indir/${!f} does not exist." && exit 1
- done
- mkdir -p $outdir/{DNA,GTF,Annotation,PPI,09_TFs,annoDB,LOG}
- outdir=`realpath $outdir`
- # check long chr
- perl $SCRIPTMANAGER_LIB/PrepRef/create_hrds/create_hrds.pl -i $indir/$dna_fasta -o $outdir/DNA/hrds.txt -org $latin_name
- long_chr=`cut -f1,2 $outdir/DNA/hrds.txt|sed 's/^>//;s#/len=##'|awk -F"\t" '$2>=536870912{print $1}'|tr "\n" ";"`
- if [ -n "$long_chr" ]
- then
- echo -e "WARNING: The following chromosomes have length larger than 536870912, \nPlease check the length of the following chromosomes:"
- echo "$long_chr"
- exit 1
- fi
- mv $indir/$dna_fasta $outdir/DNA/
- mv $indir/$gtf $outdir/GTF/
- base=`perl $SCRIPTMANAGER_LIB/PrepRef/calculate_fasta_basepair/calculate_fasta_basepair.pl -i $outdir/DNA/$dna_fasta|cut -f2 -d ":"`
- cat>$outdir/DNA/RefDatabase_info<<EOF
- Genome ${dna_fasta}
- Genebuild by ${url}
- Database version ${version}
- Base Pairs ${base}
- # check chr_list 动物挑选10倍内的 其他是100倍 scaffold 和contig选前24;如果有漏的建议自己生成一下
- cut -f1,2 $outdir/DNA/hrds.txt|sed 's/^>//;s#/len=##' | sort -k2 -nr |\
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}{split($2,a,"");print $0,length(a)}' | \
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}{a[$3]++;if(length(a)<=2)print $1,$2,length(a)}' > $outdir/DNA/chr.tmp
- contig_n=`grep -Pc -i "contig|scaffold" $outdir/DNA/chr.tmp`
- no_contig_n=`grep -Pvc -i "contig|scaffold" $outdir/DNA/chr.tmp`
- if [ $contig_n -eq 0 ]
- then
- if [ $kindom == "animal" ]
- then
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}$3<=2{print $1}' $outdir/DNA/chr.tmp |sort -V > $outdir/DNA/chr_list
- else
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}$3==1{print $1}' $outdir/DNA/chr.tmp |sort -V > $outdir/DNA/chr_list
- fi
- else
- head -24 $outdir/DNA/chr.tmp |cut -f1 > $outdir/DNA/chr_list
- fi
- perl $SCRIPTMANAGER_LIB/PrepRef/create_cytoband/create_cytoband.pl -i $outdir/DNA/hrds.txt -c $outdir/DNA/chr_list -o $outdir/DNA/cytoband.txt
- # GTF 相关文件
- /Business/psn_company/t01/software/source_pkg/YZ_data_software/hisat2-2.1.0/extract_splice_sites.py $outdir/GTF/$gtf > $outdir/GTF/genome.ss
- perl $SCRIPTMANAGER_LIB/PrepRef/gtf2bed/gtf2bed.pl $outdir/GTF/$gtf > $outdir/GTF/GTF.bed
- python $SCRIPTMANAGER_LIB/DE/exon_DEXSeq/dexseq_prepare_annotation.py $outdir/GTF/$gtf $outdir/GTF/DEXSeq.gff
- # lncRNA 这个脚本要优化一下 (暂未处理ncbi里的转录本没有加上gene行)
- perl $script_path/abstract_lncRNA_gtf.pl -i $outdir/GTF/$gtf -o $outdir/GTF/lncRNA.gtf
- if [ ! -s "$outdir/GTF/lncRNA.gtf" ]
- then
- touch $outdir/GTF/lncRNA.gtf
- fi
- gtfToGenePred -genePredExt $outdir/GTF/$gtf $outdir/annoDB/Anno_refGene.txt
- perl /Business/psn_company/t01/public/software/annovar/retrieve_seq_from_fasta.pl --format refGene --seqfile \
- $outdir/DNA/$dna_fasta $outdir/annoDB/Anno_refGene.txt --out $outdir/annoDB/Anno_refGeneMrna.fa
- # miRNA
- mature_org=`grep -P "\t$taxid$" $database_dir/miRBase/organisms.taxid.txt|cut -f1`
- if [ -s "$database_dir/miRBase/mature/${mature_org}_mature.fa" ]
- then
- cp $database_dir/miRBase/mature/${mature_org}_mature.fa $outdir/mature.fa
- else
- touch $outdir/mature.fa
- fi
- # DNA 索引
- samtools faidx $outdir/DNA/$dna_fasta
- bsub -q psnpublic -o $outdir/LOG/hisat2.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/hisat2.%J.e -n $cpu -M $memory -I hisat2-build $outdir/DNA/$dna_fasta $outdir/DNA/$dna_fasta
- touch $outdir/Annotation/annotation_summary.txt $outdir/Annotation/Annotation.xls $outdir/PPI/PPI.txt
- cat >$outdir/refCfg.ini<<eof
- DNA=$outdir/DNA/$dna_fasta
- GTF=$outdir/GTF/$gtf
- GTFbed=$outdir/GTF/GTF.bed
- hrds=$outdir/DNA/hrds.txt
- RefDatabase_info=$outdir/DNA/RefDatabase_info
- Annotation=$outdir/Annotation/Annotation.xls
- Anno_summary=$outdir/Annotation/annotation_summary.txt
- lncRNA_gtf=$outdir/GTF/lncRNA.gtf
- matureMiRNA=$outdir/mature.fa
- annoDB=$outdir/annoDB
- ppi=$outdir/PPI/PPI.txt
- cytoBand=$outdir/DNA/cytoband.txt
- chr_list=$outdir/DNA/chr_list
- DEXSeq_gff=$outdir/GTF/DEXSeq.gff
- hisat2SS=$outdir/GTF/genome.ss
- eof
- echo "除了注释文件、PPI.txt和转录因子;其他文件已生成;项目着急可以先使用:$outdir/refCfg.ini"
- # PPI
- cut -f1,5 $indir/$id_table |sed '/\t-$/d' > $outdir/PPI/gid_pid
- if [ `grep -Pc "^$taxid$" $database_dir/PPI/type_taxid.txt` -eq 1 ]
- then
- bsub -q psnpublic -n $cpu -M $memory -o $outdir/LOG/ppi.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/ppi.%J.e -I $script_path/PPI.sh -i $fasta -t $fasta_type -s $taxid -o $outdir/PPI/ -m $outdir/PPI/gid_pid &
- else
- bsub -q psnpublic -n $cpu -M $memory -o $outdir/LOG/ppi.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/ppi.%J.e -I $script_path/PPI.sh -i $fasta -t $fasta_type -s $kindom -o $outdir/PPI/ -m $outdir/PPI/gid_pid &
- fi
- # 注释
- mkdir -p $outdir/Annotation/tmp
- if [ $allgene -eq 0 ]
- then
- gene_number=`sed "/^gene_id/d" $indir/$id_table|grep protein_coding|cut -f1 |sort -u|wc -l`
- else
- gene_number=`sed "/^gene_id/d" $indir/$id_table|cut -f1 |sort -u|wc -l`
- fi
- do_eggnog=0
- # GO
- if [ "$go_file" != "none" ]
- then
- sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' $indir/$go_file > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/GO
- else
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{for(i=1;i<=6;i++){a[$i]=$1}}FNR!=NR{if(a[$1])print a[$1],$2}'\
- $indir/$id_table $database_dir/NCBI/gene_go.tsv | awk -F"\t" '!a[$1]++{print}' > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ncbi.go
- go_n=`cat $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ncbi.go |wc -l`
- rate=`awk 'BEGIN{print "'$go_n'"/"'$gene_number'"}'`
- if [ $(echo "$rate >= 0.1" | $script_path/bc) -eq 1 ]
- then
- cp $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ncbi.go $outdir/Annotation/tmp/GO
- else
- do_eggnog=1
- fi
- fi
- # eggnog
- if [ "$eggnog_file" != "none" ]
- then
- cut -f1,2 $indir/$eggnog_file |sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/eggNOG
- cut -f1,3 $indir/$eggnog_file |sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/eggNOG_Category
- else
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{for(i=1;i<=6;i++){a[$i]=$1}}FNR!=NR{if(a[$1])print a[$1],$2,$3}'\
- $indir/$id_table $database_dir/eggNOG/Ensembl_EggNOG.v5.0 |awk -F"\t" '!a[$1]++{print}' > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ensembl.eggnog
- egg_n=`cat $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ensembl.eggnog|wc -l`
- rate=`awk 'BEGIN{print "'$egg_n'"/"'$gene_number'"}'`
- if [ `echo "$rate >= 0.1" | $script_path/bc ` -eq 1 ]
- then
- cut -f1,2 $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ensembl.eggnog |sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/eggNOG
- cut -f1,3 $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ensembl.eggnog |sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/eggNOG_Category
- else
- do_eggnog=1
- fi
- fi
- if [ $do_eggnog -eq 1 ]
- then
- bsub -q psnpublic -n $cpu -M $memory -o $outdir/LOG/eggnog_map.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/eggnog_map.%J.e -I $script_path/eggNOG_GO.sh -i $fasta -t $fasta_type -s $kindom -o $outdir/Annotation/blast &
- fi
- # blastuniprot
- if [ -s "$indir/$uniprot_fasta" ] && [ -s "$indir/$uniprot_tsv" ]
- then
- $script_path/blast_uniprot.sh -i $fasta -t $fasta_type -d $indir/$uniprot_fasta -g $indir/$uniprot_tsv -o $outdir/Annotation/blast/
- fi
- # KEGG
- if [ "$kegg_file" == "none" ]
- then
- bsub -q psnpublic -n $cpu -M $memory -o $outdir/LOG/kegg.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/kegg.%J.e -I $script_path/KEGG.sh -i $fasta -o $outdir/Annotation/blast -t $fasta_type -s $org -l $indir/$id_table &
- else
- sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' $indir/$kegg_file > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/KEGG
- fi
- # NR
- if [ "$nr_file" == "none" ]
- then
- if [ "$taxid" == "none" ]
- then
- bsub -q psnpublic -n $cpu -M $memory -o $outdir/LOG/nr.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/nr.%J.e -I $script_path/NR.sh -i $fasta -o $outdir/Annotation/blast -t $fasta_type -s $kindom &
- else
- bsub -q psnpublic -n $cpu -M $memory -o $outdir/LOG/nr.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/nr.%J.e -I $script_path/NR.sh -i $fasta -o $outdir/Annotation/blast -t $fasta_type -s $taxid &
- fi
- else
- sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' $indir/$nr_file > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/NR
- fi
- # Swissprot
- if [ "$swissprot_file" == "none" ]
- then
- bsub -q psnpublic -n $cpu -M $memory -o $outdir/LOG/swissprot.%J.o -e $outdir/LOG/swissprot.%J.e -I $script_path/Swissprot.sh -i $fasta -o $outdir/Annotation/blast -t $fasta_type &
- else
- sed '/^Gene[ _]ID/d' $indir/$swissprot_file > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/Swissprot
- fi
- wait
- # 拷贝到 $outdir/Annotation/tmp/ 下合并注释
- for anno in GO KEGG eggNOG eggNOG_Category Swissprot NR
- do
- if [ ! -s "$outdir/Annotation/tmp/$anno" ]
- then
- if [ $anno == "GO" ]
- then
- if [ -f "$outdir/Annotation/blast/uniprot.go" ]
- then
- up_n=`cat $outdir/Annotation/blast/uniprot.go |wc -l`
- egg_go_n=`cat $outdir/Annotation/blast/GO.txt |wc -l`
- if [ $up_n -gt $egg_go_n ]
- then
- cp $outdir/Annotation/blast/uniprot.go $outdir/Annotation/tmp/$anno
- else
- cp $outdir/Annotation/blast/$anno.txt $outdir/Annotation/tmp/$anno
- fi
- else
- cp $outdir/Annotation/blast/$anno.txt $outdir/Annotation/tmp/$anno
- fi
- else
- cp $outdir/Annotation/blast/$anno.txt $outdir/Annotation/tmp/$anno
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Pathway
- if [ -s "$database_dir/KEGG/pathway/$org" ]
- then
- $script_path/Pathway.sh $outdir/Annotation/tmp/KEGG $org $outdir/Annotation/tmp/Pathway
- else
- $script_path/Pathway.sh $outdir/Annotation/tmp/KEGG $kindom $outdir/Annotation/tmp/Pathway
- fi
- # BP CC MF
- for i in BP CC MF
- do
- grep -P "\t$i$" $database_dir/GO/GO_description_total.txt |\
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2}FNR!=NR&&/GO:/{des="";split($2,b,";");for(i in b){if(a[b[i]])des=des";"b[i]"//"a[b[i]]};print $1,des}' \
- - $outdir/Annotation/tmp/GO | grep "GO:" |sed 's/\t;/\t/' > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/$i
- done
- # SwissprotName
- python3 $script_path/uniprot_info.py -s $outdir/Annotation/tmp/Swissprot -o $outdir/Annotation/tmp/
- # term2gene
- /Business/psn_company/Work/Transcriptome/T01/software/miniconda3/envs/R4.2/bin/Rscript $script_path/term2gene.R $outdir/Annotation/tmp/GO $outdir/Annotation/term2gene.RData
- # 是否加entryid
- entry_id=""
- if [ `cut -f4 $indir/$id_table |grep -Pcv "\t-$" ` -gt 100 ]
- then
- cut -f1,4 $indir/$id_table|sed "/^gene_id/d" |sort -u > $outdir/Annotation/tmp/Entrez_geneID
- entry_id="Entrez_geneID"
- fi
- # merge Annotation
- if [ $allgene -eq 1 ]
- then
- allgene="-a"
- else
- allgene=""
- fi
- cd $outdir/Annotation/tmp/
- perl $script_path/merge_anno.v1.pl -g $outdir/GTF/$gtf $allgene -o $outdir/Annotation/Annotation.xls GO KEGG eggNOG eggNOG_Category Swissprot NR SwissprotName $entry_id BP CC MF Pathway
- cd -
- # stat annotation
- perl $SCRIPTMANAGER_LIB//PrepRef/stat_Annotation/stat_Annotation.pl -i $outdir/Annotation/Annotation.xls -o $outdir/Annotation/annotation_summary.txt
- sed -i 's/Ensembl/ALL/' $outdir/Annotation//annotation_summary.txt
- sed -i 's/#/__/g' $outdir/Annotation/Annotation.xls
- # TF
- if [ "$kindom" == "fungi" ]
- then
- touch $outdir/09_TFs/TF.detail.xls
- else
- tf_species=`grep -P "\t$taxid$" $database_dir/TF/species.taxid.txt |cut -f1`
- if [ -n "$tf_species" ]
- then
- $script_path/TF.sh -i $fasta -o $outdir/09_TFs -t $fasta_type -s $tf_species -a $outdir/Annotation/Annotation.xls
- else
- $script_path/TF.sh -i $fasta -o $outdir/09_TFs -t $fasta_type -s $kindom -a $outdir/Annotation/Annotation.xls
- fi
- fi